This group is led by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Congressman Lee Hamilton.
S. mission in Iraq — including the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, headed by James Baker III and Lee Hamilton — call for retaining a small counterterrorism force there.
大部分对于美国撤军后任务的计划,包括以James Baker III和Lee Hamilton为首的伊拉克研究小组提出的建议在内,都呼吁保留部分反恐力量。
Well, back in the 1930s, a baker named James A. Dewar invented a sort of strawberry shortcake snack for Hostess; yellow sponge cake with strawberries crammed inside.
好吧,回到1930年,一个叫做James a . Dewar的面包师为女性顾客发明了一种草莓娃娃零食:一种内部填满草莓的黄色松糕蛋糕。