定义 中文名称: 冲水泵 英文名称: jet water pump 定义: 提供高压水流给耙头或吸盘头冲刷泥沙,也可冲刷链斗黏泥或稀释泥驳里的泥浆用的离心式高压水泵。 应用学科: 船舶工程(一级学科);专用船特有设备(二
water jet pump 水羚射泵 ; [机] 射水泵
water-jet pump 射流泵
water jet air pump 湿空气泵
water-jet air pump 射水抽气泵
water-jet pump motor 射水泵电动机
metal water jet pump 金属喷水抽气泵
metal-water-jet pump 金属喷水抽气泵
glass water-jet pump 玻璃喷水抽气泵
water jet vacuum pump 水喷真空泵
The unique JET SKI watercraft feature of the fully enclosed impeller pump dramatically improved water safety over conventional outboard motors.
The air-jet exhauster is a compressed air-operated device for pump priming, provided that the pump has no foot valve. Water is induced into the pump by vacuum created by the exhauster.
A building water supply system in which jet-pump-aided and the inverter and PLC is used to realize the constant pressure of the water is inroduced.