找回失落世界里迷失的信仰 本报记者 刘冰 真想不通约翰欧文(John Irving)是如何做到在庞大叙事里埋设那么多细节,却又井然有序的!他近年抛出的每一部著作,都固执于用保守写实主义手法来讲述简单的故事...
...冲剂,据说他极推崇的美国小说家雷蒙卡佛(Raymond Carver)也爱慢跑;村上以前亦提过自己跟另一位美国小说大家约翰厄文(John Irving)一起在中央公园跑步的事.
以上来源于: WordNet
On his author Web site, John Irving describes how he begins his novels by writing the last sentence first.
约翰•欧文(John Irving)就在自己的网站上描绘,他总是先写出小说的最后一句话,才开始小说的开头部分。
In recent history, women have fainted while John Irving read a kitchen table abortion scene from his novel Ciderhouse Rules.
在近代,妇女们会晕倒则是因为听约翰·欧文读到《心尘往事》(The Cider House Rules)里在厨房的桌上堕胎的情节。
Critics marveled at the prodigious talent evident in his imaginative take on a future world, comparing him to Thomas Pynchon and John Irving.