就像阳光穿透了黑夜 Like sun though the night 只是为了获得满意 Just to get it right 一场战斗地在我的脚下 A battle ground at my feet ..
We managed to get it right in just two takes.
The Feeling You Get WhenYour Idea Works – You have been struggling to resolve acomplex problem all day and you just can’t seem to get it right.
Females, Greenhalgh notes, "have to get it right" - so, often, males have to prove not just good looks, but good health.
Just let me get you out of here first,all right? It's my dad! We have to go back!
VOA: standard.other
If things didn't work out long term, they still have a spot for me I think if I want to go back and finish my MBA it's just not that high risk when you get right down to it.
But if it is not, it's going to print out a message here saying, you screwed up, somewhat politely, and it's going to go back around. So it'll just cycle until I get something of the right type.