[ 复数 kernels 第三人称单数 kernels 现在分词 kernelling或kerneling 过去式 kernelled或kerneled 过去分词 kernelled或kerneled ]
判断简单多边形的核是否为空的一个快速算法_医网打尽文献搜索 关键词 核,简单多边形,算法,计算几何 [gap=716]Key words kernel, simple polygon, algorithm, computational geometry
apricot kernel [食品] 杏仁 ; 南杏 ; 北杏 ; 苦杏仁
Linux kernel Linux内核 ; Linux内核源码 ; 内核层 ; 内核
apricot kernel oil 杏桃核仁油 ; 杏桃仁油
monolithic kernel 宏内核 ; 一体化内核 ; 单内核 ; 整体式内核
kernel panic 内核错误 ; 内核严重错误 ; 内核恐慌 ; 内核崩溃
walnut kernel 核桃仁 ; 核桃仁儿 ; 杏仁 ; 核桃内核
Kernel Mode 内核模式 ; 核心模式 ; [计] 核心态 ; 内核层
Dirichlet kernel 狄利克雷核
Fejér kernel 费耶核
The process is marked with PID numbers in kernel program.
参考来源 - Linux 2.6内核分析Microprocessor is the kernel of embedded system.
参考来源 - 异质媒体双发射处理器的设计研究Theoretically how to choose Kernel function remains unsolved.
参考来源 - 支持向量机Mercer核的若干性质Then focus on the RTOS-VxWorks and its kernel.
参考来源 - 嵌入式系统下IPSoil environment influences kernel quality of winter wheat.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区Kong Zi has poured into the new content for the traditional Zhou rite - - "the kernel", "the ritual" is Kong Zi's inheriting, "the kernel" is Kong Zi's innovation.
参考来源 - 引仁入礼Third, Tan Sitong at the same time Buddhism’s all living things equal theory the generation will unify, has constructed a social position and the political rights all equal“the kernel - passed&”the social theory system.
参考来源 - 谭嗣同佛学思想研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell"
同义词: meat
"a kernel of corn"
同义词: substance core center essence gist heart heart and soul inwardness marrow meat nub pith sum nitty-gritty
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT The kernel of a nut is the part that is inside the shell. (果)仁
N-COUNT The kernel of a cereal crop such as wheat is the seed that is inside the hard husk. (小麦等谷类作物麸壳里的)谷粒
N-COUNT The kernel of something is the central and most important part of it. 核心 [usu sing, usu N 'of' n]
The kernel of that message was that peace must not be a source of advantage or disadvantage for anyone.
N-COUNT A kernel of something is a small element of it. 一小部分 [usu sing, usu N 'of' n]
For all I know, there may be a kernel of truth in what he says.
The kernel of that message was that peace must not be a source of advantage or disadvantage for anyone.
Fourth is "Rome bull fighter", it is made of beef and tomatoes. Next is "bone's kernel", it is steam griskin. I feel all dishes are delicious.
Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked.