虽然灭活疫苗(Killed vaccine)和弱毒疫茁(Modifled live vaccine)是控制猪病的良好办法, 通过应用这些疫苗,虽然可以增加免疫群的动物数。
...到另一无毒力的载体病毒,使之高 效表达 易建立多价疫苗 载体病毒常用的有痘苗病毒、腺病毒、 HSV-1 灭活疫菌(Killed vaccine) 灭活全病毒疫苗 亚单位疫苗 合成肽病毒疫苗 基因工程疫苗 独特型病毒疫苗 核酸疫苗 所有文档>> 教学课件>> 研究生课...
AR killed vaccine 灭活菌苗
cell culture killed vaccine 细胞培养灭活疫苗
killed vaccine-living vaccine system 麻疹疫苗接种系统
formalin killed vaccine 里默氏杆菌甲醛灭活苗
measles killed vaccine 灭活麻疹疫苗
Emusion-oil killed vaccine 油乳剂灭活苗
inactivated or killed vaccine 活性或灭毒性疫苗
killed measles-virus vaccine 灭活麻疹病毒疫苗
It is felt the killed vaccine either neutralize the remaining maternal antibody or just more easily starts the development of immunity.
The monkeys used in those experiments had previously been immunized with a vaccine made from killed infected cells.
In an inactivated vaccine, the coronaviruses are already killed or made into the ones unable to produce more new viruses.
Doesn't respond as well to killed vaccines, and that's why the Salk vaccine has to be injected at a high dose.
So, some of these cases were probably due to polio that was transmitted by incompletely killed virus that was present in the vaccine.
The Salk Vaccine is also called the Killed Polio Vaccine, and some people call it KPV, also sometimes called Inactivated Polio Vaccine, IPV, but this is the vaccine I just talked about produced by Salk.
索尔克氏疫苗也叫灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗,有人将其简称为KPV 有时也被称作,失活脊髓灰质炎疫苗,简称IPV,这个疫苗由索尔克研发,刚才讲过他