模型有效 模型无效 : : 0 A H H ↔ 在ANOVA表中, 如果失拟项(Lack of Fit)的p-value 大于0.05 , 则表明无 法拒绝原假设, 即可以判定,本模型并没有失拟现象.
...程的方差分析表 4得出, 对于 Y 1 (产 CMC酶)除去交互项外,其他项对响应结果影 响显著, R- square =96 183%,拟合不足(Lack of fit) = 0113337是不显著的,所以拟合的次二次模型能够很 好地解释相关 Y 1 的数据; 对于 Y 2 (产 FPU 酶 ) 在 =0105的显著水平下,一...
lack of fit mean square [数] 拟合均方不足
Lack of fit index 失拟指数
random lack-of-fit structure 随机不贴合性结构
Lack-of-fit Test 度检定
lack of fit analysis 失拟分析
test for lack of fit 失拟检验
Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience.
Methods Using the lack of fit analysis to test the model expectation function under repeated measure design.
Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say 'about their school experience.