legal and regulatory information
为mation 法律法规信息 » Legal and regulatory information 大家都回学校了,只有我还在为自己想要的坚持着··· » We all go back to school, I was the only has also to the life you want...
legal and regulatory information
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Real-time access to distributed information sources also brings new capabilities to business intelligence, one exapmple being compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Members also enjoy free access to the Corner Consulting Business Support Helpline, which provides telephone advice, information and guidance on regulatory and legal matters.
Add to this mix legal and regulatory requirements that require extremely careful reporting of information, and it becomes clear that corporations must implement sound legal contract management principles in order to ensure the efficient use of both resources per se and those specifically within the scope of those agreements.
FORBES: Legal Contract Management And The Modern Enterprise
But the information industry is inherently fascinating beyond its unique legal, regulatory and security challenges.
FORBES: Welcome to Backslash