[ 复数 lessons 第三人称单数 lessons 现在分词 lessoning 过去式 lessoned 过去分词 lessoned ]
Happy Lesson 欢乐课程 ; 欢喜课程 ; 三世院弥生 ; 欢乐课堂
Lesson Of The Evil 恶之教典
Lesson One 第一课 ; 优美的元音 ; 重要的辅音 ; 自我介绍
Lesson Two 第二课 ; 重要的辅音 ; 优美的元音 ; 各种各样的服装
learn a lesson 吸取教训 ; 可鉴 ; 得到教训
lesson study 课例研究 ; 授业研究
An Unforgettable Lesson 一堂难忘的课 ; 难忘的一堂课 ; 难忘的一课 ; 一堂
teach sb a lesson 教训某人 ; 给某人一个教训 ; 教给某人一个教训
A Lesson of Life 生活的启示 ; 生活的一课 ; 生存的开辟 ; 生涯的启迪
N-COUNT A lesson is a fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject or taught how to do something. 课
It would be his last French lesson for months.
N-COUNT You use lesson to refer to an experience which acts as a warning to you or an example from which you should learn. 教训
There's still one lesson to be learned from the crisis – we all need to better understand the thinking of the other side.
PHRASE If you say that you are going to teach someone a lesson, you mean that you are going to punish them for something that they have done so that they do not do it again. 给某人一个教训