Letter of Authorization [法] 授权书 ; 权利书 ; 授权委托书
letter of Authorization to Verify 授权书验证 ; 验证授权书 ; 信授权的核查
letter of authorization o 设备修理委托书
shareholders letter of authorization 股东委托书
shareholders' letter of authorization 股东授权委托书
shareholders ' letter of authorization 股东委托书
letter of reimbursement authorization 归偿授权书
Authorization letter of inspection 报检委托书需加盖公司公章
Authorization letter of Customs declaration 报关委托书需加盖公司公章
In the event that a lawyer or an agent is appointed to handle the arbitration matters, a letter of authorization shall be submitted to the arbitration commission.
You should attach to the return a copy of the relevant power of attorney or letter of authorization if this is the first time you act as agent.
The system of acquisition of shareholders' letter of authorization is a new question for study in the fields of corporation law and securities law.