以上来源于: WordNet
Half a mile before the lighthouse itself, there's a car park, and the rest of the route is over a single-track country lane, with a low stone wall on the side closest to the sea.
In addition, through the comprehensive consideration of the geographical location of the project conditions, the lighthouse will be built around the green park, integrated with nature as a whole.
The formation is part of a 475-acre park, with a trail leading to the lip of the crater, which overlooks the ocean and an old lighthouse.
钻石头山是一个巨大的火山口,它在海边拔地而起,位于一片475英亩(约合192公顷)的公园内。 有一条小径通往火山口,从火山口处,可俯瞰大海和一座古老的灯塔。