当您需要支付多项费用时, 信贷限额 ( lines of credit )是一种灵活的借贷方式。在您有需要时,它可以作为您的后备资金,让您能够即时动用这笔信贷款项;假如您没有使用这笔款项,则无需...
lease lines of credit 租赁信贷限额 ; 租赁
Home Equity Lines of Credit 房屋净值信贷额度 ; 房屋净值贷款
project of lines of credit 项目信用限额
cover for lines of credit [金融] 信贷限额保证
lease e lines of credit 租赁信贷限额
general purpose lines of credit 一般用途信用限额
lines of project credit 项目信贷限额
同义词: credit line bank line line personal credit line personal line of credit
以上来源于: WordNet
These are stand-by lines of credit that the IMF maintains with its richest member countries.
Mexico, Colombia and Poland have been enticed to sign up for its new precautionary lines of credit.
We've seen credit-card companies decreasing lines of credit, and the [debtors] don't have any room left.