...1/2小勺、白葡萄酒(White Wine):1/8杯、橄榄油:1/2大勺、帕马善芝士粉(Parmesan Cheese):适量、盐:适量、扁意面(Linguine):230g 操作步骤 1 在番茄的底部切十字刀后泡在开水中,然后撕掉番茄皮,切成块。 2 将洋葱、西芹梗、胡萝卜和欧芹切成碎末。
le linguine 薄的意大利式细面条
Linguine Saffron 特色红花扁意大利粉
Linguine with Lobster 龙虾意大利面
Linguine with Tomato and Seafood 鲜茄海鲜幼面
Homemade Linguine with pesto 松仁绿酱手工意面
Linguine with Fish Salmon 鲑鱼细板面
garlic linguine 蒜香扁面
Tuna Linguine in creamy sauce 吞拿鱼松焗意粉
N-UNCOUNT Linguine is a kind of pasta in the shape of thin, flat strands. 扁面条
The linguine was great.