全长7,209码的Muirfield是一个标准71杆的滨海球场 (links course),能够在此称雄的全是高手中的高手。外号金熊的高球教父Jack Nicklaus在1966年于此拿到了他的第一个英国公开赛冠军,英格兰球王N...
...场相邻的一种简便球场H 初级球场:是一种简单的或循环的球场二根据球场建造场地的类型和特征分类:1 林克斯球场(Links course):是指建在临海的海边 沙地上的球场;2 内地球场( Hinterland course):这是相对于林克斯 球场而言的分类,是指远离海岸并且在一...
The Links course at Fancourt 凡科特高尔夫球场
Hammock Dunes Links Course 哈莫克沙丘球场
LINKS Course Challenge Cha 高尔夫训练游戏
Highland Links Golf Course 高尔夫球场
King's Links golf course 英王沙丘高尔夫球场
Links Golf Course 高尔夫球场 ; 林克斯高尔夫球场
Gulf Links Golf Course 格尔夫林克斯高尔夫球场
golf course links 高尔夫球场
Many high profile modern courses in South Africa create a faux links environment, sometimes with great success such as the links course at Fancourt.
Note the course has many videos, transcripts (PDF files), and links to an eBook to use as reference.
Not shown in the figure are links to a course forum, web pages, assignments, and exams.
If any of you haven't been to the website I urge you to do that, because it has all the information about requirements, the order of readings, a lot of supplementary information that may be helpful, interesting links to other resources and things like that, so please see the course website.