圈图展开(loop expansion) 按照路径积分量子化理论,若把生成泛函中的拉格朗日函数密度分成自由部分和相互作用部分:`fr{L}=fr{L}_0+fr{L}_1`,则生成泛函...
loop expansion pipe 环形伸缩节 ; 环形膨胀管
loop expansion bend 膨胀弯管 ; 回路膨胀弯管
expansion loop 膨胀圈 ; 补偿器 ; 膨胀环 ; 伸缩弯
steam pipe expansion loop 蒸汽管膨胀圈
cable expansion loop [电] 电缆伸缩环
loop checking expansion pipe 涨力弯
loop checking expansion bend 膨胀弯管
expansion n loop 膨胀圈
expansion device loop 热胀补偿器
Near the end of the expansion phase, the ring of plasma breaks open, and some of the plasma appears to escape the pull of the magnetic field loop.
By bending soft temper copper tube, a simple form of expansion loop can be made.
VDSL technology is considered as the next generation product of the Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL), which is the conception expansion of ADSL, so it is in the research stage.