...挑战另两支豪门阿积士及艾克马亚,球队在这2场联赛当中均失掉高达4球,维迪斯对阵劲敌其后防线演出简直就是一盘散沙(Loose sand),此番作客挑战堪称克星的燕豪芬,维迪斯恐怕会凶多吉少
a heap of loose sand 一盘散沙
Saturate loose Sand 饱和粉细砂
Loose Sand Bed 松散沙层
loose sand body 疏松砂体
loose sand rock 松散砂岩
Loose sand area 松砂区
loose sand shell 松散砂壳
loose sand layer 松散砂层
Riverbed Loose Sand 河床松软沙土地
In this thesis, Large-scale triaxial apparatus is used to carry out static and cyclic loading on loose sand. Accordingly, the creep behavior of sand under cyclic loading was analyzed.
参考来源 - 松砂在循环荷载作用下力学特性的试验研究及离散元模拟Gudao oilfield is a loose sand oil reservoir deposited by positive-rhythm fluvial facies with high permeability, high viscosity and high saturation. Ng 3-4 sand is deposited by meandering river, and Ng 5-6 sand is deposited by braid river.
参考来源 - 正韵律厚油层剩余油分布模式及水平井挖潜——以孤岛油田中一区Ng5~3层为例·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The result is that sandstone, for example, can be as porous as the loose sand from which it was formed.
The tractor has made deep furrows in the loose sand.
The tractors have made deep furrows in the loose sand.