... low voltage protection 低电压保护装置 low voltage relay 低压继电器 low voltage switch gear 低压开关 ...
... high-low tension porcelain insulator 高低压电瓷绝缘子 high-low voltage relay 高低压继电器 high-magnesian cement 高镁水泥 ...
Low-voltage relay [电] 低压继电器
high-low voltage relay [电] 高低压继电器
low voltage mini-relay 低压弱电继电器
low voltage release relay 低压释放继电器 ; 低压开释继电器
low-voltage release relay 低电压释放继电器 ; 低压释放继电器
Low-voltage rekease relay 低压释放继电器
high-low voltage group reachges relay 高低压继电器
low voltage ranyge relay 高压继电器
This device consists of self-coupling transfer, digital logic circuit and low voltage relay circuit.
The low-voltage relay and the excess voltage relay are integrated into one relay, which can display the real time of the voltage of the circuit and the limit of voltage can be modified.
Use relays, contactor, button, air switch and travel switch etc low-voltage constitute control circuit called relay contact control circuit.