... lowest bidder 最低价标商 ; 最低价投标人 ; 最低价的出价人 ; 出价最低的投标人 lowest order 最低位 ; 最低阶 ; 最低次 Lowest Height 最低高度 ...
lowest order mode 最低次模
Lowest order transverse mode 最低次横模
lowest order digit [数] 最低数位 ; 最低次数字 ; 最低位数
lowest order diagram 最低阶图
Lowest-order perturbation theory 微扰理论
lowest-order 最低次
lowest-order digit 最低数位
lowest-order harmonic 最低次谐波
Descriptions are made of a new instrument based on the lowest order asymmetric plate wave excitation and swept frequency amplitude phase display.
There exist some isolated EC lengths favoring the lowest order or highest order super modes, which are in consistent with the mode coupling theory.
Surface trains can be viewed as higher-order soliton states bound together by several different lowest order solitons with appropriate relative phases.