中国最大的综合性文献数据库 -维普资讯 关键词: 神经网络 误差滤波 自适应控制 Lyapunov理论[gap=1113]Key words: neural networks; error filtering; adaptive control; Lyapunov theory
...李亚普诺夫方法; 线性矩阵不等式; 不确定性; 异步动态系统; 指数 稳定 [gap=1220]Key words:networked control systems (NCS); long networkinduced delay; Lyapunov theory; linear matrix inequality (LMI); uncertainty; asynchronous dynamical system; ex..
...李亚普诺夫理论; [gap=966]underactuated UUV (unmanned underwater vehicle); path-following; backstepping; Lyapunov theory; ...
lyapunov stability theory lyapunov稳定理论 ; lyapunov稳定性定理
lyapunov approximate theory lyapunov近似理论
lyapunov s theory 李雅普诺夫理论
lyapunov ' s theory 李雅普诺夫理论
Lyapunov First Theory 李雅普诺夫第一理论
lyapunov steady theory lyapunov稳定理论
lyapunov stable theory lyapunov稳定性理论
lyapunov s stability theory lyapunov稳定性理论
以上来源于: WordNet
The weight adjustment law is got based on Lyapunov theory to assure the stability of the control system.
The navigation technique of robot control using artificial potential fields is based on fuzzy logic and stability is guaranteed by Lyapunov theory.
First, according to the tracking error dynamics and kinematics described by unit quaternion error and angular velocity error, a sliding mode controller is derived based on Lyapunov theory.