...二胺四乙酸二钠) 18.61 g 双蒸水(需高压) 100 ml 用10 mol /L NaOH 液调节pH 至8.0,高压备用 (6)细胞裂解液(lysis buffer ):
Denaturing Lysis Buffer 变性裂解缓冲液 ; 变性细胞裂解缓冲液
Nondenaturing Lysis Buffer 非变性裂解缓冲液 ; 非变性细胞裂解缓冲液
RBC Lysis Buffer 红细胞裂解液
Cell lysis buffer 细胞裂解抽提试剂 ; 细胞裂解液 ; 细胞裂解缓冲液
Red Blood Cell Lysis Buffer 红细胞裂解液 ; 人红血细胞溶解平衡液
Passive Lysis Buffer 被动裂解液 ; 裂解缓冲液
ack lysis buffer 红细胞裂解液
RIPA Lysis buffer RIPA裂解液
Gel Lysis Buffer 溶胶液
以上来源于: WordNet
The addition of protease inhibitors to the cell lysis buffer AIDS in the preservation of target proteins in the cell extract.
The addition of phosphatase inhibitors to the cell lysis buffer AIDS in the preservation of phosphorylated residues at the time of cell disruption.
SEM cells in exponential growth (106 cells/ml) were lysed with or without the addition of phosphatase inhibitor to the lysis buffer (phospho or nonphospho lysate).
指数生长期的SEM cells (106 cells/ml)用加或不加磷酸酶抑制剂的裂解液进行裂解。