...对互动式在线纪念网站比较了解,但是乔布斯网上纪念馆这还是第一家,而且在像素方面采用的是当年苹果麦金塔系统(Macintosh OS)的标准。这种复古的风格让人更容易想起年轻时期的乔布斯。
... 麦金托什机操作系统 macintosh os 通信计算机操作系统 ccos communication computer operating system 瓦普服务机操作系统 warserver ...
Macintosh OS X Panther 苹果麦金塔操作系统10黑豹
Macintosh MAC OS 苹果机系统 ; 苹果机体系
The aim is to provide users with an instant way of accessing the web without the hassle and delay of a heavyweight operating system like Windows or Macintosh OS X.
旨在为用户提供一种即时访问网络的方式,而不存在Windows或Macintosh os X这类重量级操作系统的麻烦和延时。
Since 2002, when the idea for an Apple phone was first hatched, mobile chips had grown more capable and could theoretically now support some version of the famous Macintosh OS.
Mac OS X open is a great link between the command line and the windowing environment of the Macintosh — and it is often far faster than resorting to the Finder.
Mac os X open是命令行和Macintosh的窗口环境之间的纽带,并且它比借助于Finder要快得多。