电力信息系统中单一登录和访问控制方法的研究 - docin.com豆丁网 件和以集成服务为平台 的下一代能量管理系统(EnergyManagementSystem,EMS)/市场管理系统(Market ManagementSystem,MMS)体系结构【141。强调任何未来的EMS/MMS都必须满足内 嵌安全机制,可兼容第三方软件,便于升级和
Electricity Market Management System 电力市场管理系统
electrical supplying market management system 用电营销管理系统
market risk management system 市场风险管理体系
market price management system 市场价格管理体系
Market Channel Management System 渠道管理体系
post-market risk management system 上市后风险管理体系
The market shopping management system 商店购物管理系统
management system of market 市场管理体系
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The operation and management level of electric system directly influences the security and economy of power plant operation and the competition capability in power generation market.
Sound from the market development, engineering design, manufacturing, quality assurance, after-sales service network management system.