内切圆 Maximum Inscribed Circle 坐标测量机尺寸测量的允许示值误差 Maximum Permissible Error Of Indication Of A CMM For Size Measurement
virtual maximum inscribed circle radius 虚拟最大内接圆半径
maximum inscribed circle mic 最大内切圆
the maximum inscribed circle 最大内圆
maximum inscribed circle method 最大内切圆法
maximum inscribed circle evaluating 最大内接圆评价法
The new algorithms to find out minimum circumscribed and maximum inscribed circle with computer are respectively introduced.
First we extract the maximum inscribed circle of palm as the region of interest, then use the radius of this circle to carry out first-stage match.
In this paper, the principle of judging the error in roundness by maximum inscribed circle method is presented, this method is of benefit to the inspection and judgement.