百事可乐在成立之初,一直被可口可乐迫压得喘不过气,百事可乐将自身定位在“ME TOO”(我也是),结果被可口可乐的“可口可乐,真正的可乐”反击得落花流水,公司面临倒闭的困境。
...新的算了,无线键鼠的话看看雷柏 罗技的质量比较不错的,我用的9100P不错当你的意见与看法和别人一致时,就说me too(我也是我也一样),表示赞同我用的雷柏的一直都没问题,你用的什么牌子的?
Say you love me too 说你也爱我 ; 说你也爱我好吗 ; 说你也一样爱着我 ; 告诉我你也爱我
And you love me too 你也爱着我 ; 你也是爱我的 ; 而你也如此爱我
you plague me too 你也把我击倒 ; 亦将我折磨
You will love me too 你将也爱我 ; 你将也爱上我
Me Too Flower 我也是花
You Would Love Me Too 超好听的翻唱 ; 你也会爱上我
me too CAFE 咖啡店
You love me too 你也爱我 ; 你太爱我 ; 我太爱你 ; 你爱我太
And me too 我和你太 ; 和我太 ; 而我太
以上来源于: WordNet
"I've got a great feeling about it."—"Me too."
They're working me too hard. I'm too old for this.
The clerk at the counter gave me too little change.
I want her to stop criticizing me and making too many demands on my time.
VOA: special.2010.01.24
Frost says at the time that he's publishing A Boy's Will, to a friend: You mustn't take me too seriously if I now proceed to brag a bit about my exploits as a poet.
and any classes that interest me too. So I'm taking Intro-Sem, Intro Seminar class,