...天为1年等)其实非真正地球自转与公转的运行状态,而是科学家为了统整出秩序与规律性所订出的所谓Mean Solar Time(平均太阳时),为假设地球以正圆形轨迹围绕太阳公转,以及本身为正球体自转的理想状态;不过现实是地球照着类似肾形轮廓的轨迹公转,绕一圈约...
参考点: 平太阳时(mean solar time ):由于地球自转周期存在不均匀性,以假 想的平太阳作为基本参考点。 零类世界时(UT0 ):以平太阳的子夜0时为参考。
实际上,这只是一个假设的数字,我们称它为平均太阳时间(Mean Solar Time)或者标准时间(Universal Time.UT),用以方便人类对时间的计量。
retardation of mean solar time 平太阳时迟滞差
Mean Solar Time-MT 平太阳时
mean solar time specific heat 平均比热 ; 平均热容
mean solar time turn 平均匝数
mean solar time value 平均中间值
N the time, at a particular place, measured in terms of the passage of the mean sun; the timescale is not precisely constant 平均日照时间 →see mean solar day
The International Meridien Conference of 1884 established Greenwich Mean Time, referring to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, near London.
1884年,国际子午线大会确立了格林威治标准时间(GMT),即伦敦附近的格林威治皇家气象台(the Royal Observatory in Greenwich)的平均太阳时间。
Greenwich mean time (GMT) is mean solar time at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich, London, England, which by convention is at 0 degrees geographic longitude.
And the solar short wave radiation, net long wave radiation and ocean heat flux are all used with a daily mean for every time step based on the sea ice mid-short range variation characteristics.