mercenary a 唯利是图的
a mercenary 雇佣兵
a sailor mercenary 一个船上雇员
Get A Mercenary 得到一个雇佣军
a mercenary soldier 一个雇佣兵
A Mercenary Friend 酒肉朋友
A Mercenary Microbe 唯利是图的微生物
a mercenary marriage 买卖式婚姻
Life of a mercenary 雇佣兵生涯
A Fledgling Mercenary 一个新手雇佣兵
For a full minute, the mercenary couldn't speak.
Another worker from Baida circulated a mobile phone recording of the lynching of an African he said had been a mercenary who confessed to receiving $12,000 for each Libyan he shot.
She also has a great tactic for dealing with unwanted chatups - go nuclear early: "My husband is a mercenary.