meter dial running backward 水表记录针倒行
meter dial hand 测量盘指针
meter dial point 仪表指针检测
Meter dial plate 仪表指针板
dial speed meter 拨号盘速率测试器
dial flow meter 刻度盘流速计
dial of meter 刻度盘指计 ; 仪表刻度 ; 仪表刻度盘 ; 标度盘指针
remote dial flow meter 远距离表盘流量计
An automatic recognition system for characters on numeric meter dial plate displayed by LED is introduced.
It's little more than a fancy small-scale version of a Scientology e-meter, a gadget that picks up on noise in the environment and makes a needle on a dial wiggle.
A feeler gauge a dial indicator or a cam-angle meter can be used to test the amount of contact-point opening.