小裈褉邪薪袆, 褟蟹袆泻懈 懈 薪邪褑懈芯薪邪谢褜薪芯褋裈懈 薪邪 邪薪谐谢懈泄褋泻芯屑 褟蟹袆泻械 ... 袚械褉屑邪薪懈褟 Germany German German 袦械泻褋懈泻邪 Mexico Spanish Mexican 小芯械写懈薪械薪薪袆械 楔裈邪裈袆 The United States English American ...
"The more secure Mexico is, the more secure the United States will be, " the Mexican president said, first in Spanish and then in English, to make sure no one missed the point.