... batch extraction 分批萃取,分批提取... mineral extraction 矿物提出,采矿... fractional extraction 分馏萃取 ...
mineral extraction tax 矿产资源开采税
paragenous mineral extraction 共生矿萃取
Dagushan Mineral Extraction Plant 大孤山选矿厂
Mineral Extraction and Processing 采矿与加工
Governing Mineral Extraction in Africa 在非洲管理采矿
mineral selection extraction 矿物选择性萃取
Extraction of Mineral Alteration I 基于蚁群算法和支持向量机的矿化蚀变信息提取研究
同义词: mineral processing mineral dressing ore processing ore dressing beneficiation
以上来源于: WordNet
Melting ice may also allow for mineral extraction in areas such as Canada and Russia, and drilling for oil in the Arctic.
To construct a more effective mixing leaching, it is of great significance to understand the change of community system between the process of ore mineral extraction.
Sims says measurements of the grade, mineral matrix, and size of the ore deposit appear favorable to commercial extraction.