minimal medium [生物] 基本培养基 ; 培养基 ; 基本培养基只含有野生型生长繁殖所需成分的培养基 ; 最低限度培养基
minimal medium detail 最低培养基
containing minimal medium 释义包含抑制剂的最低限度介质
g Peptone Water Minimal Medium 蛋白胨水
inhibitor-containing minimal medium 包含抑制剂的最低限度介质
Peptone Water Minimal Medium 蛋白胨水
Aspergillus minimal medium 曲霉菌基础培养液
Supplementary minimal medium 培养基
Minimal Essential Medium 培养基 ; 最低要素培养基
Eagle minimal essential medium 伊格尔氏基本成分培养基
Consider that changing from one data storage medium to another should be a piece of cake, and have minimal effect on your code.
The metabolic characteristics of Escherichia coli DA19 were affected by the trace elements added in the minimal medium.
The manufacture of thiamine from the simple substances present in the minimal medium does not take place in a single chemical reaction.