” 新西兰社会发展部(Ministry of Social Development)的总经理Marama Edwards表示,等候名单上的人数一直在波动。2014年3月等候名单上有505名申请人。
以上来源于: WordNet
Moreover, as the ministry of social development, which administers Bolsa Família, points out, the programme was never designed to be run in a uniform way.
此外,管理Bolsa Família的社会发展部指出,这项计划的实行并不是一律相同的。
According to ITAR TASS, the Russian state media, the ministry of health and social development says the death toll from the fires has risen to 53, with 806 people having requested medical attention.
With positively impetus under the Ministry of Education and great effort of social, higher professional institute information technology education obtained the swift and violent development.