mismatched filter 失配滤波器 ; 失配滤波
phase-mismatched Fokker-Planck equation 位相不匹配的Fokker
hla mismatched hla不相合的
Mismatched PCR 错配PCR
Mismatched base 错配碱基
mismatched media 不匹配介质
phase-mismatched 位相失匹配
mismatched phase 相位失配
mismatched bases 碱基错配
CT specimen with cracks in the eccentric position of welded joint:five models with different geometrical structure have been established,through numbers of calculation with finite element method,the relationship between mismatched factor M andα,creep exponent n andα,geometrical parameter h_1h andαhave been obtained.
参考来源 - 双材料CT试样裂纹高温蠕变行为的研究与蠕变断裂参量C~*的估算·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT If there is a mismatch between two or more things or people, they do not go together well or are not suitable for each other. 不匹配; 不协调 [oft N 'between/of' pl-n, N 'of' pl-n]
There is a mismatch between the skills offered by people and the skills needed by industry.
...an unfortunate mismatch of styles.
V-T To mismatch things or people means to put them together although they do not go together well or are not suitable for each other. 使(人或事物)错配
She was deliberately mismatching articles of clothing.
mismatched ADJ
The two opponents are mismatched.
They made a mismatched couple.
The two opponents are mismatched.
The banana plant is a hybrid, originating from the mismatched pairing of Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana.