... 金属氮化物氧化物半导体晶体管 mnos transistor 可动载劣 mobile carrier 活动激光追踪与测距系统 mobile laser tracking and ranging system ...
electrode with a mobile carrier 流动载体电极 ; 流流体载动电极 ; 活动载体电极 ; 电极式盐度计
space mobile carrier 空间机动平台
electrodes with a mobile carrier 流动载体电极
Mobile telecom carrier 移动通信运营商
a mobile carrier 流动载体
4WD mobile carrier 四轮驱动挂车
Best Mobile Carrier 最佳行动通讯营运商
synergetie mobile carrier 协同流动载体
synergetic mobile carrier 协同流动载体
The company doesn't yet provide actual telephone service, like a mobile carrier such as
该公司目前尚不提供像移动电话运营商Verizon Wireless公司和老牌电话公司AT&T那样的实际电话服务,但是这一天的到来已指日可待。
It may also be getting additional information from your mobile carrier that speeds up the GPS location detection.
Contact Samsung, your mobile carrier or the retailer at which you purchased the device for more details about the exchange process.