great moderation 大稳定 ; 大稳健时期
moderation in economic growth 经济增长减速 ; 经济增添减速
the great moderation 大稳健 ; 大缓和 ; 大稳定 ; 大温和时期
Awaiting Moderation 等待审核的评论 ; 等待审核
in moderation 适量的 ; 适度地 ; 有节制地 ; 适可而止
Immunity moderation 免疫调节
atomic moderation ratio [核] 原子慢化比
N-UNCOUNT If you say that someone's behaviour shows moderation, you approve of them because they act in a way that you think is reasonable and not extreme. 节制 [表赞许]
The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation.
PHRASE If you say that someone does something such as eat, drink, or smoke in moderation, you mean that they do not eat, drink, or smoke too much or more than is reasonable. 有节制地
→ see also moderate
TV is not necessarily toxic, but is something that has to be done in moderation; something that balances the other needs of the child for healthy development.
The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation.
A moderation in food prices helped to offset the first increase in energy prices.