Women in the Modern World 现代世界的女性 ; 女性在现代世界的地位 ; 现世界的女性 ; 现代世界上的妇女
in the modern world 在现代社会 ; 在现代世界里 ; 在现代世界 ; 在现代社会中
Diabetes in the Modern World 现代世界中的糖尿病
Cities in the Modern World 现代世界的城市
Information in the Modern World 现代世界的信息
War in the Modern World 在现代世界的战争
Women in the Modern World- 现代世界上的妇
Religions in the Modern World 现代世界中的宗教
The Old Order Amish, who arrived on American shores in colonial times, has survived in the modern world in distinctive, small communities.
The monarchy is seen by many people as an anachronism in the modern world.
Like most other things in the modern world, it is the result of thousands of years of human invention.