grain moisture analyzer 谷物水分仪
moisture analyzer based 水份测定仪
speed moisture analyzer 水分快速测定仪
optical moisture analyzer 光学水分分析器
infrared moisture analyzer 红外水份仪
moisture evolution analyzer 水分放出分析器
A newway to detect the water content with high precision in a few minutes is introduced inKS-1 Moisture Analyzer,which can not only improve detecting efficiency but alsosave the productive cost.
KS-1 快速水分测定仪试图利用一种快速测量方法,在数分钟内精确测量出物质中的水分含量,这样将极大提高检测效率,节约生产成本。
参考来源 - 一种快速水分测定方法的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Equipped with the advance instruments such as fiber fineness, halogen moisture analyzer, our lab can test the fiber content quickly and accurately.
The electronic moisture analyzer and the constant temperature and humidity equipments were used to study the influences of humidity to alfalfa drying velocity.
In view of the present situation, in this paper, a new moisture analyzer which combines infrared drying oven and electronic balance is proposed takes DSP as the information processing unit.