...岩发育的淋溶褐土剖面(山东) 石灰岩发育的淋溶褐土剖面(山东平邑) 均 腐 土 Isohumisols 相当于美国系统分类中的软土(Mollisols),中 国土壤分类中的黑钙土、黑土、灰褐土、草毡 土、黑毡土、黑色石灰土等 黑土景观 黑土剖面 黑龙江富锦市 黑土剖面(黑龙江哈尔...
mollisol l 软土 ; 冻融层
mollisol area 软土区
mollisol ground 软土地基
mollisol groundsill 软土地基
mollisol foundation 关于软土地基
marine super-mollisol 海相超软土
The composite soil-nailing retaining wall are adopted to shallow foundation excavation at depth of 4-6m in the mollisol.
The paper introduces the characters of mollisol by way of the Daqi Highway and brings forward some methods to dispose mollisol groundsill.
This site offers images from the tropics e. g. pictures of soil profiles: aridisol in Peru, vertisol in Kenya, alfisol in Nigeria, mollisol in Thailand, spodosol in Brazil, laterite outcrops etc.