但是,相对于商业银行的货币市场账户(money market account),在货币市场基金当中的资金受到的监管保护较弱,商业银行的账户持有人,在银行出现兑付危机甚至倒闭时,可以获得央行的一定数额...
这种帐户还可以分为一般储蓄帐户,货币市场帐户(Money Market Account)以及定存帐户(Certificate of Deposit Account)这三种。
money market deposit account 货币市场存款帐户 ; 货币市场存款账户 ; 存款账户
money-market account 金融市场账目
Super Money Market Account 超级货币市场
mmda money market deposit account 货币市场存款帐户
money market depost account 货币市场存款帐户
MMDB money market deposit account 货币市场存款帐户
以上来源于: WordNet
For example, if you put $10, 000 in a money market account earning 4% interest, you'd accumulate $20, 300 after 18 years.
举例来说,如果你在货币市场账户存入了10000美元,年利率为4%。 18年后你的累计收入为20300美元。
If you're earning 1.75% on an insured money market account when inflation is 2%, you have a negative real return of 0.25%.
You can have a money market account for your business that will draw interest, but you will need a non-interest bearing account.