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同义词: naked as the day one was born naked as the day you were born in one's birthday suit in your birthday suit
以上来源于: WordNet
One day they wrote to her that her little Cosette was entirely naked in that cold weather, that she needed a woollen skirt, and that her mother must send at least ten francs for this.
A mother is going over to son's house, who happened to be just married. She knocks on the door, and her daughter-in-law answers, naked.
Mora's mother, Dilcia Mendoza, identified her son's body. He been stripped naked and shot in the face, throat and right arm.
莫拉的母亲Dilcia Mendoza确认了儿子的尸体,他被剥光衣服,中弹部位是脸部、咽喉和右胳膊。