械协会 中国蔬菜流通协会 中通干燥设备行业协会 Schedule of the exhibition 日程安排: Move-in period(布展日期): 5月May 2 nd - 3 rd 2015 08:30-17:00 Opening ceremony(开幕时间): 5月May 4th 2015 at 09:00 am Expo sche...
It is recommended that exhibitor or representative must be present on-site during move-in period.
Although the men were advised early in the confinement period to move their living quarters to the driest location available, their doctors will be on the lookout for respiratory infections.
Why: If you want to advance in your profession, you’ll eventually have to do the job that your boss is doing, even if only for a brief period of time in order to move up.