multiple factor 多基因 ; 多因子 ; 倍乘因子
multiple-factor hypothesis 多因子学说 ; 多因子假设
multiple factor hypothesis 多基因假说 ; 多因子假说
multiple factor theory [经] 多因子理论
multiple-factor index 多身分指数法 ; 多因素指数法
multiple factor inheritance 多因子遗传
multiple-factor or factorial experiment 多因素试验
Multiple-factor index method 多因数指数法 ; 多因素指数法
multiple factor experiment [土壤] 多因子试验 ; 复因子试验
The algorithm is easy to realize. By judging the system efficiency and comparing the amount of free slots and collision slots, the improved algorithm decides whether to adjust the frame's length dynamically using multiple factor.
参考来源 - RFID反碰撞算法的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Arranging multiple-factor and multiple-level experiment using uniform design, the cryoprotectors of lactic acid bacteria was studied.
Single-factor correlation, multiple-factor regression, gradual regression and covariance analysis were adopted for correlation analysis among variables.
Using comprehensive probabilistic method of multiple factor theory to estimate the earthquake risk on Urumqi urban districts and suburban mining area.