主题:麻醉剂 | 医源世界 关键词】 丁卡因;局部麻醉;鼓膜切开;YAG-激光 [gap=793]Key words】 tetracaine;topical anesthesia;myringotomy;YAG-laser
myringotomy with grommet insertion 鼓膜切开加置管术
myringotomy E 鼓膜切开术
myringotomy with tubes 鼓膜切开与插管术
bilateral myringotomy and tubes 双侧鼓膜切开置管术
Drainage middle ear myringotomy 中耳引流用鼓膜切开
myringotomy ͵ 鼓膜切开术
myringotomy Å 鼓膜切开术
myringotomy õ 鼓膜切开术
myringotomy and tubes 鼓膜切开与置管术
以上来源于: WordNet
Tonsillectomy alone or myringotomy alone should not be used to treat OME.
The incidence of otorrhea is very high 2 years after radiotherapy in patients treated by myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion.
Abstract : An optical system to perform the semiconductor laser myringotomy with the help of a video display and a pilot laser was designed and manufactured.
摘要 : 设计并研制了一套可在视频监控和红光指示下实施半导体激光鼓膜造孔术的光学系统。