...。 除此之外,我们所受到的家庭教育与文化环境也会影响我们对于死亡的认 知,进而影响我们对死亡的恐惧。 例如在文化中,有着各种关于死亡的迷思(myths): 死亡是不吉利的,数字 4 与死谐音,因此也是不吉利的 民俗传说中对于地狱以及恶鬼的描述, 仿佛人死后有可能会在另外一个世界...
神 话(Myths)是解释的故事,传说(Legends)是叙述的故事,野 乘(Marchen)包括童话(Nursery-tales),神仙故事(Fairy-tales)及民间故 事或野语(Folk...
... 携带一份你导师的情况介绍携带一份发表著作的清单 Myths 流言 ·There are quotas for the number of Chinese students who receive visas.
myths and legends 神话传说 ; 神话和传说 ; 神话与传说 ; 唱片名
Greek Myths 希腊神话 ; 希腊神话故事 ; 古希腊神话
Urban Myths 都市传说 ; 都市神话
Debunk the myths 消除癌症误区
Myths & Texts 神话与现实 ; 神话与文本
Myths and Myth-makers 世界诡异传说
Myths You Should Know 一些似是而非的论调
The Myths Of China 神话中国
The relations of Chuang-tzu and prehistoric myths are very intimate.
参考来源 - 《庄子》神话研究The relations of Chuang-tzu and prehistoric myths are very intimate.
参考来源 - 《庄子》神话研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N-VAR A myth is a well-known story which was made up in the past to explain natural events or to justify religious beliefs or social customs. 神话
There is a famous Greek myth in which Icarus flew too near to the Sun.
N-VAR If you describe a belief or explanation as a myth, you mean that many people believe it but it is actually untrue. 谬见
Contrary to the popular myth, women are not reckless spendthrifts.
Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.
These myths have a startling likeness to one another.
India's myths and songs are the inspiration for her books.
Ancient Greek myths told of a time long ago when people lived in peace and happiness.
VOA: special.2010.06.06
Like the storm gods in the myths of Israel's neighbors, Yahweh heaps up the waters with a blast of wind.
As we read this passage, we sort out Christian myths from Egyptian myths, or let's say we sort out from what with Milton be Christian truth from Egyptian myths.