1.3.8 否定类题型(Negatives) 否定类型的对话也需要考生给予一定的重视。带有no,not,never,none,neither 等明 显否定意义的副词或形容词容易确定讲话者的...
False Negatives 漏报 ; 假阴性 ; 漏报率
Positives and Negatives 积极和消极 ; 踊跃和消极
Affirmatives and Negatives 肯定与否定 ; 一定与否认
double negatives 双重否定
no false negatives 无虚假否定
dominant negatives 显性失活
False-Negatives 假阴性 ; 错误否定 ; 假阴性数 ; 假阴性值
Image Negatives 图像反转
True-Negatives 正确否定 ; 真阴性数 ; 真阴性值
Comparison of the coherence of negatives words show that Chinese and English negatives are similar in reference, ellipsis and substitution.
参考来源 - 汉英否定对比研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"he answered in the negative"
"a negative outlook on life"; "a colorless negative personality"; "a negative evaluation"; "a negative reaction to an advertising campaign"
"electrons are negative"
同义词: electronegative
"ran a negative campaign"; "delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on life"
"the HIV test was negative"
同义词: disconfirming
"negative interest rates"
"a negative number"
"negative criticism"
同义词: damaging
"minus (or negative) factors"
同义词: minus
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ A fact, situation, or experience that is negative is unpleasant, depressing, or harmful. 负面的; 消极的
The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative.
negatively ADV 负面地 [ADV with v]
This will negatively affect the result over the first half of the year.
ADJ If someone is negative or has a negative attitude, they consider only the bad aspects of a situation, rather than the good ones. 消极的; 持否定态度的
When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it.
negatively ADV 消极地
A few weeks later he said that maybe he viewed all his relationships rather negatively.
ADJ A negative reply or decision indicates the answer "no." 否定的
Dr. Velayati gave a vague but negative response.
Upon a negative decision, the applicant loses the protection offered by Belgian law.
negatively ADV 否定地 [ADV after v]
Sixty percent of people answered negatively.
N-COUNT A negative is a word, expression, or gesture that means "no" or "not." 否定词; 表示否定的动作或姿态
In the past we have heard only negatives when it came to following a healthy diet.
ADJ In grammar, a negative clause contains a word such as "not," "never," or "no one." (语法中) 含否定词的
ADJ If a medical test or scientific test is negative, it shows no evidence of the medical condition or substance that you are looking for. (医检、试验等) 呈阴性的
So far 57 have taken the test and all have been negative.
HIV negative →see HIV
N-COUNT In photography, a negative is an image that shows dark areas as light and light areas as dark. Negatives are made from camera film, and are used to print photographs. 底片
...negatives of Diana's wedding dress.
ADJ A negative charge or current has the same electrical charge as an electron. (电荷或电流) 负极的
Stimulate the injury or site of greatest pain with a small negative current.
negatively ADV 带负电荷地 [ADV -ed]
As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other.
ADJ A negative number, quantity, or measurement is less than zero. 负数的
Difficult texts record a positive score and simple ones score negative numbers.
PHRASE If an answer is in the negative, it is "no" or means "no." (回答等) 否定的
The Council answered those questions in the negative.
In the past we have heard only negatives when it came to following a healthy diet.
Although the "ne" in negatives should always be written, it is very rarely used in informal speech.
The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern.
So, an energy deficit, accelerating charge, the accelerating negative charge, because it's the negatives that are orbiting the positive center.
And, you get these tiny little negatives running around.
So, the negatives are, these are negative.