net gain 总增益 ; 总增盒 ; 网路商机
prove net gain 证明的净收益 ; 证明净收益 ; 证明收益净额
net gain Systems 网利系统 ; 网利系统有限公司
net capital gain [会计] 资本净收益 ; 净资本增益 ; [经] 净资本利得
NG Net Gain 纯收益
net gain loss 净增益亏损
net gain index 净内径获得指数
net gain detail 净收益额
channel net gain 通路净增益
There has been a net gain in jobs in our country.
The net gain of 39 seats the Republicans need to win control of the House seems well within reach.
She might cost the equivalent of 150 eggs to feed, producing an annual net gain of 150 eggs.