...划相 同的人寿保险(但保额比原保单低); ( i i i) 展期保险( ext ended t er m insur ance):利用净现金价值( net cash value) 作为整付保费,购买与原保额相同的定期寿险,定期寿 险的保险期则取决于该净现金价值有多少。
Often used in capital budgeting, IRR is the interest rate that makes net present value of all cash flow equal zero.
To accommodate cash flow fluctuations, you can adjust the ROI calculation to include the net Present Value (NPV) of the net benefits divided by the NPV of the implementation costs.
要包含现金流的波动,可以调整roi计算,以包括净利益的净现值(Net Present Value, NPV)除以实现成本的NPV所得的值。
The net present value (NPV) of a sequence of cash flows depends on the interest rate (r) used.