若认证成功或无需认证则进入“网络层协议(Network-Layer Protocol)”状态。PPP支持口令认证协议(Password Authentication Protocol,PAP)和挑战握手认证协议(Challenge-Handshake Authenticati...
Connectionless network layer protocol 无连接的网络层协议
connection oriented network layer protocol 面向连接的网络层协议
network layer protocol identifier 网络层协议标识符
network layer protocol 网络层协议
CNLP Connectionless Network Layer Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议
Network Layer Protocol ID 网络层协议标识符
NS-2 contains IEEE802.15.4 protocol module, but lacks the support of ZigBee network layer protocol , ZigBee network layer routing protocol is the core part of the ZigBee technology.
参考来源 - ZigBee网络研究及其在智能家居系统中的应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Solving the third problem is often related to network-layer protocol considerations because the act of supplying a new IP address depends on being able to prove that one is authorized to receive it.
Network encryption occurs at the network transfer layer of a selected protocol.
Once XDR has translated the data into the common representation, the request is transferred over the network given a transport layer protocol.
一旦 XDR 将数据转换为公共表示,需求就通过网络传输给出传输层协议。