...tem Committee 国家电视制式委员会(美国),NTSC制式彩色电视标准 NTSDB Network Test System DataBase 网络测试系统数据库 NTT Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation 日本电报电话公司 ..
NTSDB Network Test System DataBase 网络测试系统数据库
You'll test the system on the standard OpenLaszlo environment that includes OpenLaszlo running on Apache Tomcat with the Derby database being accessed via the Derby Network Server.
我们将在标准的OpenLaszlo环境中测试这个系统,包括在Apache Tomcat上运行的OpenLaszlo以及通过Derby Net work Server访问的Derby数据库。
This paper introduces the design theory and implementation test question database and intelligent test paper composition teaching system based on the network of campus.
This paper introduces the design theory and implementation technique for a test question database and intelligent test paper composition teaching system based on the network of the campus.