NMR spectrum 核磁共振波谱
Proton NMR spectrum 核磁 ; 质子核磁共振谱
h nmr spectrum hnmr谱
d nmr spectrum 核磁共振谱
high resolution NMR spectrum 高分辨率核磁共振谱
nmr-spectrum nmr谱
p-nmr spectrum pnmr谱
c-nmr spectrum nmr谱
1H-NMR spectrum 核磁共振氢谱
The result of experiment makes clear: in the mixed system the each component height of integral in the NMR spectrum has additivity.
The compound structure is verified by melting point, IR, NMR, element analysis, mass spectrum and optical rotation.
The structure and composition of the copolymer were identified and examined by infrared spectrogram and NMR-H spectrum.