nobody knows who really I'm 谁也不知道我到底是谁 ; 谁没有人知道我是真 ; 没有人知道谁真正我
Nobody who's who 谁也不是谁的谁
a man who nobody knows 无人理解的人
The Man Who Saw Nobody 目中无人的人
Nobody left who 谁也不离开谁
Who nobody can say better 没有人能说出谁更好
Nobody who was near the scene of the crime is above suspicion.
Nobody who comes to this club is allowed to behave like a prima donna.
Nobody who has experienced real love themselves would call what Narcissus is doing love.’’ K.W.
没有哪个人有过真正爱自己的经历之后会把那耳喀索斯所做的称之为爱。” 卡伦•温特劳布。
VOA: special.2010.07.18
He is independent in a way that nobody who was not a king or an aristocrat in the past has ever been -- a new kind of man, the backbone of the polis as it emerges.
There's a lot of debate over how much is innate and what the character of the built-in mental systems are but there's nobody who doubts nowadays that a considerable amount for humans and for other animals is built-in.